The Item Mall

Greetings, Defender! In this article we will talk about the Item Mall services found on both the Defenders of the Cross Website and at the in-game world. These services includes all sorts of things, ranging from Mall-exclusive items and gear to help new characters all the way to premium account subscriptions and Defenders of the Cross related merchandise. Let us talk first about the Item Mall located on the web site. The Item Mall

Above you can see the main page of the Defenders of the Cross Item Mall found on the website. You can find a variety of merchandise going through the catalog. There are D.O.T.C related items such as shirts, hoodies, phone covers and coffee mugs. There are also portals to access in-game services and unlock additional in-game content. These include the purchase of Reward Points (the currency used the by the in-game Item Mall), job skill resets, character transfer services, Item Mall insurance and premium account subscriptions. There are also some sections of the catalog dedicated to non-DOTC merchandise, such as DC Comics and Marvel Comics related items ready to be shipped as soon as possible! Keep a lookout for specials as well, as the Item Mall does offer discounts for events such as Black Friday / Cyber Monday.


The item’s that take up the in-game Item Mall’s stock can be found by searching out the “Daisy Shopper” NPC within the Adventurer’s Plains in the world of D.O.T.C. Depicted to the right, simply double click on her and you will be provided with a prompt including the option to browse her wares, this will open up the currently running Item Mall catalog to view and peruse at your leisure. The Item Mall

Depicted here is an example of the Item Mall catalog provided by Daisy Shopper. Your typical layout is two “Mall” tabs which include the Item Mall merchandise currently in rotation. Defenders of the Cross performs updates multiple times a year, and with these updates the Item Mall catalog is changed. The items being offered can change from Head gears and Accessories to Chest pieces and Footwear. In addition to rotation the types of items that are displayed, the Item Mall will also swap in several items that are part of the season around which the patch happens; such as St. Valentine’s, summertime, Halloween or Christmas. The Item Mall

Shown here is the Refine tab of the Item Mall catalog. This tab includes items such as Drills used to provide weapons, accessories and chest pieces a slot which allows for insertion of jewels or legionnaire stones to further enhance and customize your stats, Separation Drills to remove an undesired inserted jewel / stone from a piece of equipment, a large selection of legionnaire stones of stat modification, and various items to aid in refinement / upgrading of items, including items needed to specifically upgrade Item Mall merchandise! Included are also items such as white powers, catalysts for refining items, Storage Coupons for inventory management on the go, and Perfect Repair hammers to preserve equipment durability. The Item Mall

Shown here is the weapon tab of the item mall catalog. As you can see there is a large and varied selection of gear that you can purchase with Reward Points to help a character that is starting out. One thing to be noted, however, is that while this equipment is certainly useful for characters early on, they are not necessarily game-breaking, so as you grow within the world of D.O.T.C make sure to look for your future weapon upgrades and replacements! The Item Mall


Fear not, Defender! Your tally of reward points are shown in-game under your Clan Status window, accessed by Alt+N, right under Clan Rating and above the Clan Slogan. The Item Mall


One last detail that should be mentioned is that players who have a premium subscription of One Year currently accredited to their account enjoy the benefit of Item Mall Insurance (along with other bonuses, but we will focus on the Insurance for this article). The world of D.O.T.C is one with the possibly of permanent character death, if you ever happen to run into such a situation, be it via the results of your character’s story line and role play or you ran into an…unfortunate accident, your account will be returned all Item Mall gear that would have otherwise been lost on the character’s death. Please be reminded however, that item mall insurance only works on Item Mall merchandise, all other equipment is lost on a character’s death, and it must specifically be character death.

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